Belly button lint vs Dryer lint

Whats the difference with belly button lint and dryer lint? You can re-purpose one of them! (can you guess which one?)

They always say to clean out your dryer so that the lint won't start a fire, so why not put it to good use and actually start a fire!

• Take some dryer lint (as much as you want).

• Get an empty toilet paper roll or an empty paper towel roll.

• Put the lint inside the roll

• Put in the fireplace, firepit or use it to start a bon fire.

The lint and card board are really flammable. You still need logs of course, this idea is just a fire-starter. Bonus tip: did you know that duct tape can also be used as a fire starter? Now you know!

PS. Belly button lint can't be re-purposed....please don't try to do so

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